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Monday, September 8, 2008


Casa Lusitana

One of the highlights of August is the open house that Jorge Gabriel puts together at Casa Lusitana each Labor Day. The horses are just amazing: gorgeous, talented and friendly, which is always a bit of a surprise considering the number of stallions they seem to have around.

Talento Sidepass

This year they had Kathy Von Ertfelda and and her stallion Talento WR putting on a freestyle dressage demonstration and Jorge also put on an interesting piaffe lesson as well as a Pas de Deux demonstration. Nice.


New this year were a few Perlino Lusitanos for sale. I don't think I've seen any horses with that coloration before and it certainly looks good on a Lusitano. If this photo was in color, you could see how piercing those blue eyes are. :)

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